Illustrated Score Part 2

(Click here to read Part 1)

I asked a dear friend while I worked on the project, "In a piece of art, would you rather choose cleverness or sincerity?"  She didn't think twice: "Sincerity."  Her choice validated the choices and sacrifices I'd made, and all the choices/sacrifices I would make before the project was finished.

I could have leveraged history and popular culture to make my drawings ironic.  But Ligeti once said, "I am in a prison: one wall is the avant-garde, the other wall is the past, and I want to escape."  It would have been fashionably cruel to make wry sport of his earnest work.  I might care for fashion, but certainly not for cruelty.

So--voice-leading lead-ropes converging, multiplying, and splicing back together.  An em dash responds to the exclamation mark on the previous panel.  The narrative continues below, an undercurrent.

Panel 6/13

Panel 7: the green/pink symbols become monograms.  Meanwhile, the seeds settle.

Panel 7/13

Panel 8: punctuated symbols, as the electric roots intensify the action

Panel 8/13

Panel 9/13: climax.  Big blue pine from blue seeds, purple cactus creature, brown cattails, and those little curly reddies.  Overhead swirls a benevolent streak of green/pink.

Panel 9/13

Panel 10: A dry spell.  The green/pink swirl flattens, then flatlines.  The (active) narrative doesn't address this "coda".

Panel 10/13

Panel 11/13

Panel 12/13

Silence until--the rain begins.

Panel 13 of 13